Sunday, March 25, 2007

Holi Fest!

I can't believe yet another weekend has come and gone... they go by so fast! On Friday night we had a study party at my friend Rebecca's since we had a scheduled ochem exam on SATURDAY MORNING at 9am! Can you believe it? It ended up working out perfectly though, because I got a lot of good studying done and I think I did pretty well on it and I definitely NEEDED to do really well on it. Then I went to my volunteer thing where a group of junior high age girls come and learn about science and then we dissect things! This week it was cow eyeballs, and I love just watching these little pre-teens so excited and grossed out... they are just plain funny. I can't believe I was their age not too long ago, but I wouldn't go back to that age for a million dollars. Well, maybe for a million dollars. Anyways, then on Saturday night we went to Holi Fest where you throw colored chalk on everyone in celebration of the coming of spring. It's at the Hare Krishna temple in Spanish Fork (which is AMAZING, who knew that was there?!) and they played some really fun music. I ran into a lot of people I know, and Shalene, Melissa, and I danced the night away with Chris Gong and his friend Micah and some other really weird people. We then ate some amazing Indian chili-type soup with curry and garbanzo beans and then we headed home for a little guitar hero and then some Rooibos tea while we sat on the couch in the dark and chatted. I love being the age I am right now. I have the most amazing people in my life... friends and family alike.

Church today was amazing, fast and testimony meeting was definitely one of the best I've been to. I had a meeting with our bishop and we chatted about the possibility of me serving a mission and he said that he thinks it'd be really amazing if I did it. I'm really seriously considering it, I had some really strong impressions that it was the right thing for me to do. My roommate Rachel made a strong point this afternoon though.... she said now that I have made a decision to serve a mission, everyone and everything will be working against me as Satan wants to prevent us from serving missions. It kind of worried me, but I know that if it's what I am meant to do, it will happen!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

A Hare Krishna temple in Spanish Fork? Interesting. Looks like fun, and the food sounds yummy!