Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I am an "and"

It's official. My husband and I are one. This is a big step. Bigger than the temple sealing. We have a joint blog.

No worries. We will never get a joint facebook account.

I may still post on my blog, but refer to this one from now on. Tim's pretty funny too, so be prepared to hear from him as well for a good laugh. He can also be serious though. We're great collaborators. It should be fun.

An honor code thought

Under "Live a Chaste and Virtuous Life"
a. Repeated stereotypical gender-based remarks

If this were enforced like facial hair, half of the student body would be ousted tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Another letter....

Dear Baby Simon,

Please stay in your mom's uterus for nine more weeks, ok? You can't possibly be ready to come out after only 27 weeks. I'm sure it's real nice in there! I know you are eager to meet your cool siblings and parents, but you have eternity to be with them and by the time you're a teenager... well. You get my point. Please. Just a few more months. You need to get a little cuter.

Your favorite aunt Cay-Cay

Letters by Caitlin

Letters by Caitlin. (brought to you by Kayla and Thelma)

Dear 2.61% of Utah voters,

Why, oh why, did you vote for SUPERDELL for Governor of Utah? Besides the plethora of criminal charges that include paragliding over I-15 in rush hour traffic, he is also a ridiculously racist bigot. He called homosexuals faggots, once said a fictitious Native American tribe died out because they were not intellectual enough (and then "Schanze refused [to apologize] in an email sent to the entire company further disparaging Native Americans and stating that all Native Americans are adulterers due to the naming of the Bureau of Indian "Affairs"), and proclaimed the only reason his critics were still alive was by the grace of God and SUPERDELL. He was also banned from editing on Wikipedia (according to Wikipedia). Did you know ANYTHING before you went into that voting booth? ANYTHING?

A very concerned citizen

Dear University towing company,

How come you towed my car Friday night during my hot date to the international cinema? Do you think your one little sign up in the corner on the side of the building is really adequate to let people know they cannot park in your large, usually empty, and practically deserted parking lot after the hour of 8 pm? You are jerks.

Why is it always me?

Dear Prop 8 protestors,

I'm with you. But please do not call my prophet names. I respect your right to protest, and I agree with you on many accords, but that is just not right in my book.

A faithful saint against Prop 8

Dear husband,

Why are you so dang hot? I like when you break the honor code. Facial hair looks great on you.

Your adoring wife

Friday, November 7, 2008

My thoughts on this Friday:

1. I love that the Wilk now has plastics recycling.
2. I'm still kind of dumbfounded by the fact that I am married and can walk around naked in my apartment in front of a boy.
3. I love Michelle Obama. She is intelligent, beautiful, independent, supportive of her husband, and seems like a really great mother. And I liked her dress.

3.5. Barack Obama is president-elect of the United States. That. is. awesome. I have so much faith in him to fix our screwed-up country.

4. In half an hour, I get to go to an exclusive "department review" luncheon for 20 poli sci students. Free food.
5. The Pennyroyal Cafe opens tonight! Feeding real food to desperate vegetarians and vegans since 2008.
6. And this, from Charla: "but you found each other! huzzah for byu. bringing libs, dems, and independents together from necessity since its inception"

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Prop 8 yet again

"Before it accepted the invitation to join broad-based coalitions for the amendments, the Church knew that some of its members would choose not to support its position. Voting choices by Latter-day Saints, like all other people, are influenced by their own unique experiences and circumstances. As we move forward from the election, Church members need to be understanding and accepting of each other and work together for a better society" ( source).

Don't judge.

My lovely friend Weston says they are still talking about me in his religion class. I'm infamous!

Google Analytics rocks

The number four search engine keyword that goes to my blog is "yemeni girls naked".

I think the perverts will be sorely disappointed.