Friday, January 25, 2008

I hate Provo drivers but I love citizen lobbyists

This morning on my way to class, I was crossing the street at the bottom of the hill when a speeding car came out from a corner and almost ran me down. First off, she should not have been gunning it across that crosswalk since it was 10 am and there were a thousand people walking to school. THEN, as I stopped in the crosswalk to go past, she had the audacity to HONK at me. Seriously? I have the rightaway sista. Then she looked annoyed and "waved" me past. It really disgusted me.

But last night was phenomenal. I almost stayed behind to work on WomanStats that was due last night, but I went with SID to the state capitol to a citizen lobby training meeting. It was so informative and interesting. We toured the newly-renovated capitol building and it's beautiful. We got to the chambers of the House and actually see the desks and everything. Then we learned how to approach our representatives and write them little notes to be delivered to them while they are in session. It was neat. Afterwards, a bunch of us went to grab food at Wild Oats/Whole Foods. The food was amazing!! We got an eclectic mix; my favorite was probably the BBQ Tempeh Salad or the delicious organic oranges. And by the way, soy yogurt is much better than dairy yogurt. I think I'm going to have to go buy some at Good Earth today, along with whatever I am going to make for the veg potluck tonight. Mmmmm. I'm excited. AND then the Africa party. Yay. I love SID.

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