Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Liquor store outing

So, today I had a cultural experience that most will not whilst at BYU. I went to the PROVO LIQUOR STORE. Yeah, that's right, you heard me. Man, that place was hopping, who would've thought? The line was way long so I thought I tried to have conversations with those in line with me. I feel like there should be some sort of brotherhood among those of us standing together to purchase illicit substances. I have never felt so awkward! I've been to liquor stores in SC and everyone is very friendly and chatty. Probably because they are all shameless old alcoholics or USC students who think getting trashed is still cool. But that's not the point... these people averted my glances and slight smiles and stood in line in complete silence with bowed heads. Oh, and NO ONE in line before me got their ID checked but then I did... I suppose I still don't look quite my age. But I was slightly happy because I like the fact I can now PROVE I am indeed 21. Ok. **

WomanStats is already taking over my life and consuming all of my thoughts. Not necessarily a bad thing in itself, but I have devoted so much time to coding this CEDAW report and keep forgetting to do my other homework.

In other news, I made a new friend/nemesis. Muahahahaha.

And last but not least... Becca's ring ...because you know you want to see it but just hated to ask.

**Disclaimer: I went to the liquor store to buy dry white wine to make some amazing mushroom and tomato soup. Who knew they didn't sell that stuff in grocery stores?


Anonymous said...

But ...that's still alcohol isn't it??? The claims you hear that the alcohol burns off during cooking aren't really true. It's just a fallacy. (At least according to a recent article in the Deseret News.)

Josh Titus said...

Hey Caitlin,

Next time you go to the liquor store, can you grab me a bottle of 99 Bananas? Thanks! ;)

Just joking, but seriously. Just joking. I can see how the Provo liquor store might be fun to visit. I laugh just thinking about it.

Visit JoshTarts and Turbo&Superman.

Lauren said...

WHO is that anonymous comment by??? That's hilarious. Because I'm sure all the articles about alcohol in the Deseret News are completely true.

I like Becca and Kyle. They are cute.

Anonymous said...

Whoever is anonymous is a self-righteous bad word. I don't like people like that. So, I am going to say it. My name is Celia. I live in apartment # 3, and I don't hide behind an unknown name, making ignorant comments while judging others. Go blog about this. I'm sure it's the most entertaining thing that has happened in your life today.

Wow. That was rude. I just don't like anonymous comments that are immature.

luscious said...

Sorry, I just saw this post because I was googling liquor store hours in Provo Utah LOL(can't find it buy the way). I just wanted to comment that I live in Orem (next to Provo) and I visit the store every so often for some good wine but I've never found it to be unfriendly or awkward! I can see how it may be percieved that way by an outsider because after all, Provo is home to BYU and LDS boys and girls who supposedly don't drink. Had the awkward liquor store been in any other state in the world besides Utah it probably wouldn't have been judged that way, it would have been seen as just another bunch of miserable drunks rather than a bunch of shameful drunks! Utah obviously has it's share of problems, look at our rate of prescription drug abuse!