Friday, April 18, 2008

SID retreat

The SID retreat was absolutely divine and refreshing. Well, refreshing is a hard word to use when you've only gotten one hour of sleep. Intellectually refreshing. I drove up after our cook-out/party at Dr. Hudson's house for her WomanStatsers... what a COOL family. We had burgers and hot dogs (mine were veg-style), salads, chips and delicious desserts. My new friend Austin came and got me, and then we headed up to Big Cottonwood Canyon for the retreat. It was an incredibly long drive, but I didn't really know Austin all that well before so it was nice to chat for a while. When we got up the canyon, there was about 978 feet of snow, would've been perfect for snow-shoeing. But alas, we did not do such a thing. Instead, we played games and chatted by the fire, ultimately concluding the festivities with a honor-code-breaking cuddle-fest that wasn't too conducive to a good night's rest. Of course, the next morning, when Austin and I arrived at the villa, we crashed on his couches for about 2 hours before heading to campus for a study-a-thon to prepare for finals. And now, I'm blogging to procrastinate writing my paper on the role of political Islam in the Arab-Israeli conflict.

Here's us frolicking about before we head back to Provo:


aubrey hartman said...

you always have the best adventures! (this is aubrey by the way, your long lost blog friend- here is my new location on the WWW!) i miss you at platinum!

Lauren said...

Snow. That's just wrong.