Saturday, September 27, 2008


Yes it's true! I actually did it. Can you believe it?

It was wonderful. WONDERFUL. The most perfect day, right down to the torrential downpour as soon as we walked out of the temple. Our photographer, Mo, was awesome. The pictures turned out GREAT (my favorite thing: rather than taking pictures beside the reflection pond in front of the temple, we actually waded to the middle and shot pictures from there. We were famous. People all around temple square grabbed their cameras and started snapping shots... it was hilarious!). And the receptions were so fun! In Utah, the ice cream was great, the people were great, the live music was great. In South Carolina... um, holy cow did my Mom go ALL OUT. The cake-beautiful. The flowers-ridiculous. Opening wedding presents is Christmas on crack. It rocked.

The best part: TIM! Being sealed to the my most favorite person on earth. I love being married to him! The honeymoon was great... it was so nice to just lay in bed all day and bask in each other's presence. Being in love is wonderful! And we have so much fun together. And he's just SO freakin' attractive!

I am the luckiest. It's true. THE luckiest. Ever. I snagged the greatest guy on the planet. Sorry gals :)


TheMoncurs said...

OMG his HAT! And your DRESS!

I'm dying.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see more wedding pictures. hurry, Hurry, HURRY!!!

Austin said...

Cait that first picture is absolutely gorgeous. GORGEOUS!