Monday, January 28, 2008

What a wonderful weekend

I had such a beautiful weekend. On Friday night, the Veg Club hosted a potluck at someone's apartment and the food was phenomenal, for the most part. Some guy made this like Manicotti, except it was completely vegan and it had some strange ingredients but it tasted delicious. Mary and I made chili, it wasn't that great, a little too soupy and not thick enough but people liked it! There was also some good tofu stir-fry and someone made like beefaroni with the Morning Farms meal starters and it tasted great! I've used the chicken strips from that brand but have never been brave enough to do the ground beef, but I will definitely buy some of that next time I go shopping.

After the potluck, Mary and I went over to another friend's house for an Africa party. We watched Darwin's Nightmare and then discussed it... Eric Darsow was there so I got to talk to him for a while and it was great. We don't see each other nearly enough!

Saturday was great too- I slept in, went to the temple, and then headed to work. Work was uneventful but I did get a ton of work done so at least it was productive.

Sunday- great church meetings, great lunch, great movies (Titanic), and then great party when I met great people. The only, I suppose, not so great moment was the prophet Gordon B. Hinckley's passing... but I can't help but just be joyous imagining how elated he must be to be with his beloved wife and the Savior. He did momentous things for the Church these past 13 years, but we all knew we had to let him go eventually.

On another note, my mission papers are filled out! Dentist appt down, doctor appt to go. Two interviews and that's that. I'm pretty stoked.


Lauren said...

Did you ever know that you're my heeeeero, and everything I would like to be....

Katy said...

Caitlin, I hoped you would know by now that MY cayenne pepper is YOUR cayenne pepper.

TheMoncurs said...

I'm so excited for you to go on a mission! I can't wait to see where they send you.