Thursday, February 22, 2007


So, my wonderfully planned FHE game on Monday night was a total bust. No one wanted to play, but me and Melissa got in the best spaghetti fight of my life (who knew how acidic tomato sauce was?? that stuff BURNS!) It was pretty fun but everyone got really mad because we made a mess (again, the POINT of the game!) Oh well.... we sure had fun. In other news, I'm sitting at work where I've been for almost 5 hours now, and I'm writing a journal response to some articles about the resistance movement against apartheid in South Africa; there are so many prominent characters in that movement, and each one has a separate but equally as pivotal form of resistance against the government. I think my favorite quote so far was a one about Mandela by Tony Leon: “you have graced this house, you have graced this country, you have graced humanity.” What a huge statement to make about a person, yet it is so fitting for Mandela. I love how much Oprah adores Nelson Mandela, it just makes me happy... I know a lot of international development people have a huge problem with her approach to helping others by material gifts, but I think she really does have a good heart and at least she is making the attempt to help others.

On the other hand, it's unbelievable to me how ignorant some people can be. One of my brother's roommates, during a rousing game of Taboo the other night, didn't even know what apartheid was. I just don't understand how some people don't know... and trying not to be judgmental, I briefly explained to him a little of what I was learning in my international class, yet he didn't even want to learn about it, he just brushed it off and moved on to the next topic. I mean, mind you, I had no idea of all the details and intricacies of the causes and effects, but not to even KNOW about the oppression of millions of people for decades, or even have any desire to learn about it. That was just pretty eye-opening to me... I hope I never appear ignorant to others, and that I'm always open to another person's opinions and beliefs without sacrificing my own, and also just open to learning about things I don't know about. I just don't want to turn into one of those close-minded Mormon housewives whose life just revolves around her and her family. There is SO much more out there in the world to experience and grow from, and I hope I take every opportunity to do so.

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