Friday, December 21, 2007

My Christmas break thusfar

After a grueling two days of taking five finals, I caught the red-eye home on Tuesday night. Since I had not slept in two days due to massive cramming, I figured I'd at least be able to get a little shut-eye on the plane. However, the long leg from SLC to Atlanta brought no respite for me; I spent the time reading a little Crime and Punishment and watching the best Christmas movie of all time (Love Actually). I got into Atlanta around 5 in the morning and found my terminal for the three-hour layover. I had been sitting in the chair for ten minutes when I passed out from exhaustion. I wake up at 7:52 freaking out because I thought my plane was gone. Luckily, it was delayed and they hadn't even started boarding yet. Geez. I slept for almost three hours sitting up in a chair.... who does that? Apparently I can do that. The plane ride home was uneventful.

Do you realize how hard it is to live with my family? All the cars in the driveway have "I love Mitt!" stickers. I am ashamed to stand outside for fear of being spotted. Not to mention I have to drive these cars around. I wear sunglasses and a hat for disguise. Not to mention my family is the biggest bunch of carnivores around... I have been pressured into eating meat a few times, but have yet to succumb. Whenever I feel the temptation, I just think of all those hormones and antibiotics pumped into that nasty chicken's body and then I feel confident enough in my convictions to abstain. Yuck.

My best friend Kaitlyn (KK) has hip surgery two weeks ago for a femural-acetabular impingement. Basically her acetabulum is too narrow/shallow for the head of her femur to fit in so they went in and shaved some of the bone and rebuilt the hip socket. Kind of like a hip replacement at the age of 20. She's in bed for another two weeks and incredibly bored, so I've gone over there since I've been back to keep her company. I don't mind though, because I love more than anything in the world sitting in that room and talking to her. She challenges me but listens to me, and I really respect her beliefs too. She is a deep thinker and doesn't just follow what everyone else says. I think she is truly amazing and we had some great conversations about God and religion yesterday. Next week, we are going on an hour-long outing to the genealogy library at our church building because she has recently been into finding things about her ancestors. Should be really good.

Lauren and Christopher, Megan and Gavin got here tonight around 7. I gave Megan a bath today and this is what she said:

Megan: One day, I am going to be a famous artist.
Me: Like Van Gogh?
Megan: VINCENT VAN GOGH. He painted the picture about the night.
Pretty impressive for a newly five-year-old.


Lauren said...

When are you going to write again............?

ae said...

why haven't you updated or come to work in like 4 years?! i demand an explanation and a resolution to change these disappointing behavoirs.