Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Week in summary

This week in summary (thusfar):

1. HOT SPRINGS. Last night and they were glorious. I scrapped up my knees and toe pretty nasty on a rock, but all in all, a night not to be missed. Saw a few shooting stars that were incredible.
2. I've worked out everyday since last Tuesday and yesterday for two hours. Cholesterol, eat your heart out! (NOT MINE.)
3. Finals, finals, finals. Well not yet, but plenty of preparation.
4. We moved into a new building for work. It's closer and it's huge.
5. Snowstorm, nature dumped about 8 inches on us Saturday night.
6. Olive Garden for my birthday. The waiter didn't sing to me.
7. Austin came over for a sleepover after her date with Reid. I miss sharing a tiny little college bed with my best friend :(
8. I got the job for WomanStats! Woooohooo!
9. In less than one week, I'll be with my family! Yay!
10. Life is beyond fabulous. I love this time of year when everyone is super-stressed, because for some reason, finals never worry me; rather, they are just more of a huge inconvenience, just one more thing getting in the way of me going home for Christmas. Maybe this semester it will set in about Sunday evening...
11. My last paper for Pl Sc 200 is due today and it's practically finished already. Regression paper, how I love thee.
12. I'm exactly 21 years and 1 week old today.
13. I am going to be late to class because I'm posting on my blog.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

I was eating some delicious barbecue pork today (like the mustard-based kind you get at Maurice's) and I thought about Cameron Diaz and her 3-year-old niece.