Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I can't sleep I'm so annoyed

While grateful that the American public had sense enough to vote the best man into the most important office, my happiness at an Obama presidency is overshadowed by my extreme annoyance at the narrow-minded voters of Utah County.

That's right. They elected this idiot over Claralyn. Please just read their bios on their respective websites. Then you will understand where I am coming from. However, Claralyn did get 42% of the votes in a very, VERY RED district so that's awesome. But. Chris Herrod, the skeezy, unethical, cheating loser is once again the representative for 62. There will be no happy concession speech here (by the way... Senator McCain's made me cry).

Oh, and it's seems like Prop 8 is going to pass? I have mixed feelings.
Prop 4 failed though. Phew. I can still have faith in California.


Gordon said...

You can't win them all... and in Utah County you can't win any of them. But 42% is impressive!

Katy said...

McCain's speech made me cry too! And not because I was all sad or anything--once Mitt was eliminated, my heart left the race. Good work with all your campaigning--there's always 2012? Or whenever the next election is for whatever office Claralyn is running for?

The Stells! said...

Sorry about your loss! I am soo sad about two elections the darn sleez ball jason chaffetz won! Grrrrr! oh well and well i was not an Obama fan, but you cant win them all

The Stells! said...

thanks! i take crap from some people for my theories so i am glad to know some peole like them :D! And its true parinod parents DO raise annal kids w

The Stells! said...

for sure! I know him on a personal level he WAS a family friend and i think he is a horriable person and i am soo sad he was elected! I heard that too or at lest it sounds familiar! I am just upset that soo many people voted without knowing who they were really voting for! lol one example that is my favorite i was talking to some guys who told me he was voting for Obama because he heard on ESPN that he wanted a college football playoffs and he was excited to see him acomplish that as president! WHAT THE FREAK is that guy smoking i was wondering! Dont worry i informed him Obama cant do that as president lol! Oh well guess there were a few election that people were dumb about the utah ones make me the sadest!

Lauren said...

Sorry, babe.