Monday, November 3, 2008

Obama-Biden '08-- YEAHHHHH

On Saturday morning, we left for Grand Junction, Colorado with the BYU Democrats to campaign for Senator Obama. After a four hour drive and a little detour (Grand Junction is the most confusing city ever to navigate), we arrived at the Obama headquarters at 844 Grand Avenue. When we arrived, they were in the middle of a cook-out, so we got veggie burgers, potato salad, and as much dessert as we could hold. They then sent us to the canvassing location, where we got our assignments, and knocked doors for fours hours. Most everyone was pretty friendly; this area of Colorado is fairly conservative but there is a strong Obama base as well. I met two little boys, probably nine years old, who had quite the opinion about the candidates. The one was undecided over who to vote for because in his words, “Obama doesn't salute the flag.... but McCain wants to ban abortion and then if a little girl got raped, she would die.... so I just don't know”. Lucky for him, he does not have to decide like the rest of us. I also met an older lady, slightly cooky, who declared that I need to change my vote (good thing I voted early for Obama!) because he is an ISLAM. He's not a Christian. He doesn't believe in God (hmm... well, it's obvious he's Christian, and anyways, Muslims do believe in God? No?) I thanked her politely for her opinion and moved on.

After canvassing and dinner (they fed us so well!), we went back to find a home to sleep in for the night. When we walked to the back of main headquarters, we found everyone huddled around the phone because Senator Obama was getting ready to be on the line for a conference call!! We got to be there when he came on the line (for like 2 minutes), and it was SO NEAT. It was cool to hear him talk to us (and I use us very loosely), it was very inspirational. He told us not to be complacent even though we are ahead, and to keep working hard, not sleeping until after the election. I felt as if I were a part of history in that room, looking around at all of the volunteers who worked so hard to get this wonderful man elected. I love Barack Obama. I love Colorado.

We got our house assignment and spent the night on a futon, woke up early, headed to Church, and then canvassed more. After canvassing, we headed home so that we could make it in time for the fireside. It was a great weekend. And it was all paid for! Thanks Senator Obama (and everyone that donated to you... come to think of it, I guess the money that Tim donated to the campaign kind of evened out this weekend for us).


Anonymous said...

Don't worry ...he if he ever runs out of money he can always use our 401K's to fund his little BBQ's.

I hope you love him just as much when you are left sitting in the dark after he bankrupts our power companies as punishment for using coal. Not to mention his plans to destroy our economy, constitution, and ultimately this great country that so many have fought so hard to preserve.

It's easy to be all doe eyed over a dynamic speaker but I can't believe that someone of your intelligence can over look his dishonesty, campaign credit card fraud not to mention his total lack of experience for the job.

I guess we shouldn't be surprised. We've been told that we are in the final hours of the last days. No doubt Obama (and people like you) will do their part to help get us there even faster.

Kelly said...

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