Monday, November 3, 2008

T minus 10 hours

I am legit nervous about the election tomorrow. I have invested so much time, thought, and effort into Claralyn's campaign (though it doesn't touch the effort she put in...) and I can't believe it all is coming to an end. What will I do in the evenings when I don't have doors to knock or volunteers to call? I will probably catch back up on my school work and actually see my husband.

I will be sorely disappointed if the uninformed Utah Countyians elect Chris Herrod. Claralyn is clearly the better candidate, more informed, more intelligent, and WAY WAY more ethical. From the disappearing signs to the spies among us, Herrod's campaign has continually tried to sabotage Claralyn's, and I do not think that his constituents even realize who they are putting into office if they elect him simply because he's the Republican candidate. And I know Claralyn doesn't want power or prestige but is simply doing this to serve her community and listen to her constituents. She has dedicated her life to bettering the lives of those around her, and with this campaign she saw a need and chose to do something about it. And she is just really cool.

Polls open in 10 hours in Utah. Wish us luck!


Becca said...

When the Claralyn Hill representative came knocking on my door, I was really nice to him because I knew you were doing it somewhere too. I hope people were nice.

Lauren said...

Good luck!

Maren said...

After the meeting on Friday I told Patrick to vote for her--he's not sure but he thinks he did lol.

Katy said...

I kept watching for news about Claralyn during election coverage, but I didn't see anything. PErhaps this was influenced by the fact that I don't really know who she is or what she is running for--your word on it is all I have, and all I need! :)