Monday, May 12, 2008

Nuit de Russe

Last night, I had the privilege of attending Russian night at a friend of Nathalie's home near the Provo Library. It was magical! We ate borscht, cabbage salad, and grilled salmon, drank grape juice, and read Pushkin love poems by candlelight with incense burning. Utterly magical. Ironically enough, 75% of the people there were speaking French (note the title in French. I don't know how to say Russian Night in Russian unfortunately). I love listening to French speakers, and am delighted when I understand small bits and phrases. I met some rad new friends.


Thunder Thighs said...

i was going to call you naked hippie on the blog roll. but then was afraid you might be shy about letting not only your blog world but mine know that......though i doubt it. ;).

actually i was going to say "fellow naked hippie". John took me on my first skinny dipping adventure last winter at the hot springs. seriously magical.

Lauren said...

A: He's cute.
R: Yes, he is. But not as cute as Pushkin.

Lauren said...

p.s. "One desperate housewife?" I'm not sure how I feel about that one...