Friday, November 16, 2007

I didn't get to do this in YW!

So, with all this talk of marriage in the air, I've decided to do something that I probably should have done when I was 12. But I was always a rebellious little YW and so I never wanted to do this. Who wants to think about what their future husband will be like when they're 12? Plus, everyone always had the same answers (Strong testimony, good priesthood holder, HOT.) Well, here are my minimum requirements I've finally decided on:

1. SMART. This is crucial. A companion who can debate healthcare reform and understand quantum physics would be welcome. A nerdy professor type is kind of what I'm going for, glasses really turn me on. But he also has to have social skills.
2. Well-read. Not neccesarily of the classics, but of NYT bestsellers and the like. An interest for continually learning together by reading and discussing.
3. If he has a subscription to the Economist, I'm sold.
4. Internationally-minded. If he isn't foreign (read below), then he at least needs to have traveled and have an understanding of another culture. Has to be willing to live all over with me. Has to love African babies and want to adopt.
5. I would love a guy who spoke an Asian language, just so he could teach it to my kids. I think it's a waste when missionaries or native speakers who know another language don't teach their children. I wish to anything I knew another language.
6. Supports me in my career decisions. This is kind of obvious. Doesn't want a little-wifey who stays at home and cooks. Because.... come on.
7. Asian. I prefer Chinese or Korean but I won't be picky. In fact, anyone foreign would probably be welcomed. Accents a plus.
8. Hard-worker. Will share equally the responsibilities of marriage and future kids. I expect a husband that changes diapers and does the dishes, right alongside me.
9. A do-it-yourselfer. I'm kind of getting in to this whole, buy an old house and fix it up thing. I think that'd really be an awesome learning and growing experience and I need someone that can take on the challenge.
10. Healthy but not buff. I really am not into guys who spend hours in the gym, nor am I into someone who eats mac & cheese and pizza for every meal and is a couch potato.
11. Which brings me to... adventurous eater. I love trying new cuisine and random eaterieis and need somone who will go along with me. Vegetarian a plus.
11.5. Willing to quell sexual urges and date at least a year. Although I can be irrestibility desirable, I'm not into this whole quickie-marriage thing.
12. Foreign-film lover. Has to take me to the IC. And enjoy it. Can't be afraid of subtitles.
13. Ok, maybe somewhere on this list I should go ahead and add member of the Church. So here it is. Honors his priesthood. Can take me to the temple. Converts OK as are non-members who have potential but exhibit it before we're married.
14. Anti-superficial. Not a pretty boy. Can't spend more on clothes than me or take more time to get ready. This might be tough, because everyone knows how little I spend on clothes and my speedy-quick 10-minute getting ready skill. So, maybe this one can be a little lenient.
15. East-coast liver. Or just want to live on the East Coast. I will not subject myself to the torture that is living in the West. Sorry Utahns and Arizonians. If not on the East Coast, then maybe in another country. I would not be opposed to moving to Europe or Asia.
16. Liberal. Has to love healthcare reform and equal rights. Must be willing to vote for a female senator. Must support my feminist tendencies, or at least have a good laugh at them. But not in a condascending or demeaning way.
17. A tad neurotic and willing to show it. Because let's face it, I'm a little crazy.
18. The right sense of humor. The Office NOT Dumb & Dumber. Intelligent humor. Stephen Colbert. Witty.
19. Wants 4-5 children and is willing to go along with my weird names.
20. Beach-lover. Surfer a plus because I've always wanted to learn.
21. Adventurous. Safaris in Africa, elephant riding in India, scuba-diving in Australia, backpacking Croatia, bungee-jumping at Vic Falls. You know, the usual. Spontaneous and not scared to try new things and dive right in.

Um. Ok. that's all I got. Kudos to those who read all of that.
Anybody know anyone who fits the criteria? Hook me up.

And please no derisive comments.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Wow, that's a very comprehensive list. I can't wait until you meet "the guy." He will have to be a very impressive individual to keep up with you. The only number that surprised me was the 4-5 kids. That's a lot of work, but I'm sure you'll be able to handle whatever you decide on.