Thursday, November 29, 2007

My pathetic wardrobe

Sometimes, I look at my closet and get really discouraged. Mostly because I have a very limited amount of clothes and the ones I really like have already been worn 2308 times and are now dirty, and I won't do laundry more than once a month (last winter, I did it ONCE all semester) The other thing is that 90% of my clothes don't fit me. I have one pair of jeans from last year that fits and that's after a routine of squats and kicks to get in them. The other two pair I have I got on ebay this year and they are great. And since I live in jeans, having only two functional pairs when you don't do laundry very often can sometimes prove difficult. Another thing is the wearness of my clothes. When I find something I like, I'll wear it once a week or more because hey, it looks good and is comfy. So, basically the things I really like to wear are worn thin. Probably 75% of my shirts have some kind of hole in them; in fact, I just discovered a tear in my favorite black tanktop that I stole from Allison last year which inspired me to write this post. About 75% of my clothes were also bought in high school. Let's face it; my personality (not to mention fashion.... one of my favorite pair of pants right now are brown gauchos. I've been informed these are no longer cool.) has changed a lot since then and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to pick out clothes I like from my own closet. I can pull together probably three or four decent outfits, but after that, it's t-shirts and my Yale hoodie for the rest of the week. I will admit that I do have a few really nice Sunday pieces thanks to Mom and a huge Arden B sale last Christmas. Oh, and I must mention my beautiful kelly-green wool coat I bought from Nordstrom on a whim and peer pressure. If only I could wear that and only that.

The solution: Lose 20 lbs. Find the money and time and patience to go shopping. Be on "What not to wear".

The upside: Cecilia has more clothes than anyone I've ever met.
The downside: Barely any of them fit me.


TheMoncurs said...

I am sooo the same way. My husband marvels that he has to do 8 times the laundry I do (we do our own laundry). I HATE doing laundry and my wardrobe just doesn't go all that far (especially while pregnant since I refuse to buy too many maternity clothing items). I currently have one pair of jeans, one pair of brown pants, a couple dresses, and a skirt along with a handful of maternity and really stretchy shirts. And that all lasts me for months. Gross? Yes. But I don't even care.

Lauren said...

I hate that gauchos are not in style anymore. I'm always slightly behind the times. Are sweater vests still in fashion?

I have a mental image now of you wearing nothing but your kelly green coat. Very Desperate Housewives.