Monday, November 5, 2007

Halloween party

So, on Halloween, my roommates and I in one genius collaboration decided to throw a party. This was no ordinary party: this was hardcore. I'm talking hours spent decorating, making food, and preparing for the party. At the onset of the party, there were quite a few people at our house. However, within the hour they had dissipated, presumably going more popular parties, but they did eat our food. But it was ok, we had a good time and ended up watching Ghostbusters 2 and hanging out.

My favorite part of working my new shift (4:30- 1am on Friday) is cleaning out the fridge! Every Friday night, all the food that's not labeled is thrown out by the late shift worker (ME!) So, I work at a company with quite a few wealthy, single twenty-somethings, so that means really, really good food in the fridge. And since most of it is not old, rather than throwing it away, I eat it myself! So, on Friday night, I enjoyed a baked potato from what looked like Outback or something (I gave a whole steak away to a friend that works in the other department). I also took home tortillas, a bunch of yogurt, and other random drinks. For sure, it's a bonus.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

That's hilarious. Caitlin the food filcher.