Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Introducing... Tim!

Ok blog-readers. I think it's time I made some introductions.

Blog-readers, meet Tim.

A little background.

One day, it was my first Sunday in my new ward that I had just moved in to. I was walking home with my roommate and a random tall awkward boy. He finds out my name and says something to the effect of "Do you hate having two first names? Kate and Lynn? I will call you Kate (Cait)" And I thought nothing of it except maybe, that is little strange, who is this guy?

Flash forward 2? weeks: Again at church. The boy is teaching Sunday School. I comment. I am mildly attracted to him. He's funny. He tells a great story about going to buy a milkshake and there are two sizes: Medium and Regular. The girl behind the counter doesn't understand why Tim thinks it's weird they are both sizes since they are the same. Regular is clearly larger than Medium. Duh. After Sunday School, I would like to sit by this boy in Sacrament Meeting. I think about it. I contemplate it. I sit across the room, naturally. After church, I'm reading outside the building, waiting for Austin to get out of her meetings so I can go over to fetch my belongings from her condo. Boy walks out of church. Boy sits down. We make small talk. We talk about high heels and how morally opposed I am to them (I already DI-ed the ones I wore to the wedding, I promise!) There is mutual attraction, at least in my opinion. We part ways.

Flash forward to the next day: FHE at his apartment. We play a rather sexist game of Battle of the Sexes. I'm not impressed with the game, but I am impressed with his book collection. I tell him so and ask to borrow one. FHE is over. I leave and go home. I'm sitting in my basement when I hear a knock on my door. I run upstairs but am too late, but I do see him walking away. I do not say anything because I'm still not so sure that it is the right time to start anything. I'm going on a mission after all.

The next day?: I think it was the next day. I go over on the way to a friend's house to pick up that book. He wants to hang out on Saturday. I have to work. We plan on Sunday, after Break the Fast (are any non-singles ward people understanding our various strange traditions?) I'm not wearing shoes. He likes it, come to find out.

Sunday: We try to sit together in Sunday School but my roommate is between us. I really want him to be next to me. It's weird. After church, Halle Mehalic calls me and wants to hang out. I take her to BTF and then we run away early because it's awkward and I can't talk to him in front of everyone. After Halle is leaving I try to find him; strangely enough he is sitting on my couch, thinking I'm getting ready to hang out with him. I walk through the front door and it's confusing for both of us. We chat. Halle leaves. He has set up miniature golf in his apartment using a random assortment of DI decor. I think it's cute. I like him.

Monday: After FHE, we walk to the library and rent old movies. We watch 3:10 to Yuma. He asks to hold my hand and I concede.

Tues, Wed, Thurs...: I avoid him. I'm freaked out. I sleep at Celia's. I do not want to do it. He comes by and leaves me prunes. My roommates think I have GI problems.

The next few weeks are a blur: I stop being stubborn and admit I do want to hang out with him more. One thing leads to another. I invite him camping the night Dev and Hill get engaged. We kiss. and kiss. and kiss. We really like to kiss. We talk. We really like to talk. We like to hold hands and walk around at night. We also like laying on his couch watching movies. He's one of the most thoughtful people I've ever talked with. He's incredibly well-read. He watches good movies. Best of all, he likes me back. He's strong enough to handle my strength. He thinks I smoke pot and likes that I wear the same thing everyday. He's not intimidated by me. When we're together, it feels wonderful and natural and like I could do it the rest of my life and be perfectly content.

I think you will find that you are fast friends, blog-readers and Tim. You're some of my most favorite people and he is quickly rising in the ranks ;)


Lauren said...

Haha. Is that "he thinks I smoke pot" in the figurative or literal sense?

And where are the pictures of this "Tim"???

TheMoncurs said...

I cackled at the donating the shoes part. Way to cut the cord tying you to the painful shoes!

And yay for Tim! And also: are you still going on a mission...?

Becca said...


it was good to see you today!

girl with freckles said...

I keep coming back to your blog for updates about the mission situation... seems like I've found my answer. I love to hear about boys that truly appreciate girls like you - it gives me hope :).