Monday, June 9, 2008

So I had a meeting with my bishop yesterday. He's an awesome guy. He's a political science professor, so we started off talking about nuclear weapons as deterrents and then we got on to how he protested nukes in the 1980s at the Nevada test site and got on CNN, and how he is total liberal hippie. We get along well. Yesterday in our meeting he pointed out some of my major character traits and how they could help or hurt my missionary work. Just thought it was interesting how much he knew about me after only knowing me for a few weeks, I also inserted some of my own interpretation but all in all, this is what he told me. I love revelation.

1. Impatience. I am incredibly impatient. I want everything and I want it all, RIGHT NOW. I don't like to wait. I'm a quick mover. This could either be good in that I will work very hard, always moving on the next appointment or activity. Or it could be bad in that I will want everyone to get baptized right away and I will have to learn how to allow people their own time tables. Also, I don't like waiting long periods of time for answers to prayers. I need to learn to surrender my will to Heavenly Father's and allow him to work through me.
2. Independence. I value my alone time. A lot. I don't like being told to do, I don't like spending large amounts of time with other people. I love being alone. I value my silence. This will be hard in many ways. First off, the whole 24/7 companion thing. I like to do my own thing, so I know it will be difficult adjusting to having someone there all the time, an equal partner in decision-making. On the other hand, he thinks it will be good marriage-training, since a huge barrier I have to relationships is my inability to commit to spending time with people on a regular schedule. Also I tire of people really easily, so maybe it will help with that too.
3. My inability to adhere to any kind of schedule. Inspirational spontaneity and flexibility are very key traits that a lot of missionaries fail to develop since they are so rigid in their scheduling. I, on the other hand, am the queen of spontaneity. I do what I feel like doing when I feel like doing it. Schedules and me are not very good friends. I try to stick to the important things (school, church, etc) but beyond that my days are not planned. On a mission, I'll need to plan my days, but luckily there is some room for interpretation.
4. My intense love of people. Though I enjoy alone time, I LOVE people. I have a keen sense of understanding and empathy. This is mostly a quality that I would continue to develop, but it also will be hard because it will lead to more intense disappointment.

That's all I can recall at the moment. By the way, did I mention my papers are in again? Third time is a charm, I suppose. Any friendly wagers on where the good Lord is sending me?


girl with freckles said...

Texas :).

Katy said...

I think I'm sticking with NYC, Cambodian speaking. Have fun living within a 4 block radius!

ashmae said...

your characteristics sound much like what a bishop would have told me had he sat me down and said them to me before I'd gone, and don't worry about a thing, Heavenly Father is so aware of all of them and will send you to a place where each one will be refined and used. Yeah!!!! i hope you go to el salvador or Uruguay.

Lauren said...

I'll believe you are going on a mission when you walk into the MTC. :)

lia said...

caitlin - i'll say it again just for added affect, but i'm so so so very glad you get prof. nielson as your bishop for the summer. such an incredible person in every way.
and papers in again?! my happiness for you is only slightly quelled by the prospect of not sharing fall semester with you.
hope you're well!