Saturday, June 7, 2008


Please do excuse my severe lack of blogging. I have had blogger's block, with not much going on interesing enough to share with the world wide web. Not to mention I have been incredibly busy with working, schooling, volunteering, and socializing (And I did not mistype... SOCIALIZING. For those of you who do not know me as well, this is kind of a big deal.) I started my new job at the Women's Shelter in Provo and I LOVE it thusfar. It's a huge challenge, but I thrive on that. It's demanding and chaotic, but so much more rewarding than sitting in a call center for a security system company (yes, I admit it. I used to work for one. please, shame me.) Of course, the pay is about half of what I was making there, but I wouldn't trade the extra money for anything. I love interacting with the women, getting to know them and their children better, and just generally being in control of my own work. Not to mention I really like everyone else that works here. I fit in. It's a change :)

So... on to the real subject of this post. Last night's camping expedition in which (drum roll please...) my brother got engaged!!! That's right, Devin popped the question to our dear Hillary Tresnak, and they are getting married in August. We are all thrilled. It was pretty funny how it all happened though. I went with her to pick out the ring last week so that he could buy it. However, he ended up deciding not to buy the one she picked out because he wanted to be certain she had one she really loved, so instead I gave him my fake diamond Wal-Mart ring that I got in high school when Rob and I were fake engaged for an evening. It's actually a pretty sweet ring. While we were up at Squaw Peak, Dev slipped the ring into Hillary's jacket pocket and she didn't notice a thing! Then, when all of us were sitting around the campfire, Devin sang her a song he had written her (it was rather cheesy) and then attempted to retrieve the ring to propose. Funny enough, he couldn't get it out of the pocket. It was rather anti-climatic, here he was proposing with no ring. Finally, after a few moments of digging through the pocket (conveniently and awkwardly located by her boobs) he found it buried deep, took it out, said some words and proposed. They kissed a lot. It was pretty dang romantic. Unfortunately we didn't get any pictures, we tried but it was too dark for cell phone cameras.

The end.

1 comment:

girl with freckles said...

Hillary is from my home stake and I'm friends with her older sister! Craziness!