Monday, July 28, 2008

Mountain Green the beautiful

What a wonderful weekend. On Wednesday, my fantastic fiance and I headed up to his lovely hometown of Mountain Green, UT (Pop. 1600). It is beautiful and tranquil and picturesque. I love being there because it is such a foreign existence, small-town Utah. Everyone is Mormon. And so friendly and open and warm. And the small-town Utah life isn't so bad as I had made it out to be. We attended the July 24th festivities (for those of you not in Utah, that's Pioneer Day... about the equivalent of July 4th) where all the little families came out for face painting and volleyball and corn-on-the-cob. We swam in the local reservoir. We hiked up to the water tower. We hung out with old friends and welcomed home a missionary. The days were packed and the nights were relaxed, and I love spending every waking hour (and some sleeping hours... for which we were berated by his mother) with Tim. Getting to know his past is so great to me... it feels like I'm more a part of him than before. Understanding his past enables me to envision our future. The first 21 years of our lives were great, but we are looking forward to spending the next half-century or so completely devoted to each other in a wonderful, fulfilling and exciting marriage! Being engaged is cool and all, but I can't wait to be married to this kid. Two months. We took a detour to Temple Square on the way up to have a moment at "our" temple. While there, Tim did a real proposal, in front of the temple and all. It was fun.


Lauren said...

In that picture where you are eating popsicles, I thought you were eating a corn dog. And then I was like, wait a minute, Caitlin can't be eating a corn dog. Mmmm... corn dogs. Hand-dipped corn dogs.

Mom thinks Tim is getting cuter and cuter. She must be getting used to the idea of you getting married.

TheMoncurs said...

Look how cute you guys are!! Makes me feel all fluttery inside. I'm so happy for you!