Friday, November 7, 2008

My thoughts on this Friday:

1. I love that the Wilk now has plastics recycling.
2. I'm still kind of dumbfounded by the fact that I am married and can walk around naked in my apartment in front of a boy.
3. I love Michelle Obama. She is intelligent, beautiful, independent, supportive of her husband, and seems like a really great mother. And I liked her dress.

3.5. Barack Obama is president-elect of the United States. That. is. awesome. I have so much faith in him to fix our screwed-up country.

4. In half an hour, I get to go to an exclusive "department review" luncheon for 20 poli sci students. Free food.
5. The Pennyroyal Cafe opens tonight! Feeding real food to desperate vegetarians and vegans since 2008.
6. And this, from Charla: "but you found each other! huzzah for byu. bringing libs, dems, and independents together from necessity since its inception"


Les in Kabul said...

I'm cautiously optimistic. I would love to see him become the best president in history, but he has a huge task in front of him. I hope he's up for it. You had a pretty cool pre-election experience, but I think I topped you, watching the victory speech at a hotel in Kabul, Afghanistan, with the American ambassador in the room!!

Austin said...

i love this post. it's so very you.

Michelle said...

Michelle Obama's dress made her look like a black widow, or pregnant.

I'm not just saying that cause i don't like her.

... :)