Monday, February 4, 2008

I blog in lieu of writing papers

Yes, that's right. I have a 6-page paper due tomorrow on the effect of literacy in women's lives in developing nations.... I've written 3 of those 6 (and not very well, might I add) and still cannot seem to focus. It is probably events as of late that are distracting me...

Pretty much, I am great. Right here. In this place in my life. I do not think there is more to life than being a Poli Sci major/Intl Development minor at BYU, vegan, chairperson of the Mood Commitee for Hunger Banquet, living in a dumpy apartment south of Campus, subjecting yourself to the torture and pure joy that is being a WomanStats coder, with a French-speaking-Jewish-redheaded-sort-of-boyfriend and a free 100 on your first New Testament exam. I like not knowing. I dread certainty. The future awaits me. Mission? Marriage? Children? Real job? Grad school? Law school? DC Seminar? Next WEEK? No thanks, keep it to yourself, future.


Becca said...

I'm so happy you're happy! Your kind-of-boyfriend is so great.

Lauren said...

How can you dread certainty? Ugh! I like my life to be meticulously planned, thank you.