Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Man, was I angsty!

So, in my perpetual state of procrastination, I discovered this.

My blog from senior year of high school.
Some highlights:

"i just dance around my room naked all the time because i'm so happy"

"but then again, you could always run away from the lesbians undressing you with their eyes. that would be a plus." (apparently, I used to be a homophobe...)

"we're thinking it's either benjamin if she gets her way, or gavin if he gets his way. let's pray lauren doesn't give in, but gavin could grow on me too." (and so it has)

"i lost my kumquat virginity. yesterday."

"i sliced my heart out; so, you could eat it for lunch if you want." (again, the emo-ness... geeeeeeez Caitlin!)

and somethings never change:
"major procrastination going on. i hate writing papers."

happy reading.


Becca said...

That's too funny...thank heavens I deleted my livejournal long ago.

Lauren said...

Freaky. You were totally different, yet the same. Also very into Tracy Chevalier. I was just thinking today that Megan reminds me of Griet. Like, she sees the colors in the onions.

My favorite: "so.. the name is gavin christoper richins. he's gonna be hot."

Also, reading that was like a roller coaster ride. I'm so dizzy now that I might throw up. Finally, you could probably turn that into a novel/movie and sell it to MTV. (Could I sound more like Dad?)